I’ve long been an avid reader, though the last two years have been all textbooks through my grad school program with Kent State University. As my graduation nears, I decided that I wanted to do something to commemorate the occasion, something that would have a purpose at the Camp Pawsawhile Retreat. Then it hit me: a Little Free Library.
What is a Little Free Library?
Little Free Libararies started in 2009 when Todd Bol of Hudson, Wisconsin decided to build a small model of a schoolhouse filled with books as a tribute to his mother. The schoolhouse was placed in his front yard, and neighbors responded so positively, he build more and gave them away. He later partnered with Rick Brooks of the University of Wisconsin-Madison to make a social enterprise. Today, there are estimated to be nearly 25,000 registered Little Free Libraries in the world.
Learn more online at LittleFreeLibrary.org
While this installation is to help me celebrate my graduation, I am dedicating the library in honor of my late pawpa, Edgar Durrell Hembree, who instilled in me a love of books from his home garage library when I was just a child.