2025 Sponsors
Auto Intensive Care
Hipster Hound
Karen & Mark Glimmerveen
The Original Crab Shack
In Honor of Chris and Rose Van Metre
LeeAnn Kole
Animal House at Live Oak Kennels
Tybee Post Theatre
King's Accounting Services
Jason Baggett - CorcoranAH Realty
David Engelbach
Jillybean’s Custom Tumblers
Lisa Martin (In Honor of Jackson)
Munchies by Moe Joe
Nancy Zabko
Ashley Mattox
Sarah Mahany
Savannah Drywall Supply
Pet Portraits by AJ
Savannah Medford
Sujay Soman
Tara Kelly
Amy Motteram in honor of Mitts
Carmen Masssey
Amy Gilliam
Ralph Davis
Lauren Chase
Festival of Trees Sponsorships
For our adoption events this holiday season, we'll be offering a walk through our outdoor lighted wonderland at Camp Pawsawhile. As part of the experience, your company, organization, group of friends, or family can sponsor a Christmas tree to be decorated however you see fit to be on display outdoors during these adoption events. Coastal Pet Rescue will provide the tree, you provide the decorations (CPR can provide decorations for you for $30 additional donation). Our volunteers can decorate on your behalf, or you can schedule a time to decorate yourself. Signs will be on display at each tree to mark the sponsorship and images will be shared on social media. (Tree heights will be assigned by sponsorship level.)
Gold Paw: $500 (6+ foot tall tree)
Silver Paw: $300 (5-6 foot tall tree)
Bronze Paw: $100 (4 foot tall tree)
Wreath: $50
Select your option below:
You do not have to have a paypal account to make a purchase. You can check out with a credit or debit card.
Presenting sponsorships are available for the following:
Full Event: $3000
Hot Cocoa Cabana: $1000
Marshmallow Wonderland: $1000
Letters to Santa: $1000
Presenting sponsors will have their name and logo at their designated station.
Presenting sponsorships limited to one sponsor per station.
Contact Lisa Scarbrough for more information.
Private event nights are also available for $2500 and will include all activities free for your guests. Contact Lisa Scarbrough for more information.
Payments may also be made via venmo to @coastalpetrescue or by check to:
Coastal Pet Rescue
7430 Thomas Ave
Savannah, GA 31406
We are also accepting gift in kind sponsors to provide items in adoption bags for these events.
Contact Lisa Scarbrough for more information.