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Coastal Pet Rescue Successful Adoption Story: Perra Nueva (Dakota)

Adopted: December 28, 2006
Rescued: December 21, 2006

Dakota was a stray that had been impounded at the Tifton/Tift County Animal Shelter since November and arrived at Coastal Pet Rescue December 21st.


"Dakota" is doing very well. I took her in as a foster pet a couple of days before Christmas, and by Christmas Day I had decided to adopt her myself. It took a little while for my older dog PNut to get used to sharing her space and attention with another dog, but now they're getting along better and better every day. She's a active one, she is. I gave myself a crash course in dog-proofing after the first time I left home without putting her in her crate. She chewed up one of my sandals, emptied the kitchen trash can, and shredded an old cardboard box. No harm done. We're still settling on a permanent name for her, as she really didn't seem like a "Dakota" to me. For the time being, her tag says "Perra Nueva," Spanish for "New Dog." She loves getting attention, and seems like she's starting to realize that she has a good home for the rest of her life. - Alan

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