
At this time, the CPR youth volunteer program is only available to youths able to attend events in Chatham, Bryan and Effingham Counties in Georgia or work at Camp Pawsawhile Retreat in Savannah, Georgia.

Online Forms

Coastal Pet Rescue Youth and Teens Programs

CPR Teens exists to help teens learn that one person can make a positive impact on the world around them. Teens will get to see first hand how their compassion and dedication can change lives, both human and canine or feline (or both!). Participating teens will determine their commitment to the organization without any obligation. They will be the only ones accountable for how the program works as it will rely on their ideas and efforts.

Age Requirements

Coastal Pet Rescue recognizes the importance of educating our youth on animal welfare issues. As such, volunteers under 18 are welcome, with the following provisions:

  • Youths under 14 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • Youths that are high school age may volunteer at Camp Pawsawhile Retreat after a parent has attended an orientation session with them.

Parents must complete a youth application for all children under 18 specifying in which activities they may participate. Additionally, parents and teens must sign a code of conduct agreement specifying that the youth volunteer will behave according to CPR standards. Both forms must be signed before participation. Forms may be emailed to Lisa@coastalpetrescue.org.


What does a teen have to gain by participating in CPR Teens?

  • A feeling of gratification knowing they gave their own time to make a better life for a pet in need.
  • Those who are unable to have pets in their own homes will have time that they can spend with a pet in the program, whether it be an afternoon in the park or helping bathe the pet after rescue.
  • Learn leadership skills by developing new programs, such as a fundraiser or humane education lecture to be presented at their school.
  • Become a mentor to a younger child through our humane education programs with lower grades.
  • Be given the opportunity to meet with professionals in the pet care industry, such as veterinarians and groomers, to ask questions about their own career goals.
  • The opportunity to make new friends as you interact with other CPR Teens volunteers.
  • Accumulate needed community service hours for graduation.
  • Be eligible for college scholarships available to students who volunteer with humane organizations.
  • Receive letters of recommendation from Coastal Pet Rescue when applying to colleges.

Code of Conduct

All members of CPR Teens have the privilege of learning and sharing their love of animals. Members have the right to brainstorm, express their animal-related ideas, and work towards their CPR Teens goals in a safe and comfortable environment. To achieve this goal, Coastal Pet Rescue had adopted the following code of conduct:


  • Please wear shorts, jeans or pants and a shirt with sleeves (sleeveless permitted during warm weather). T-shirts must not contain any inappropriate messages or graphics. CPR Teens volunteers must wear a Coastal Pet Rescue volunteer T-shirt at all official Coastal Pet Rescue events (available for purchase for $10 each).
  • No low cut shirts, crop tops or low riding jeans permitted.
  • Sturdy shoes covering the entire foot are required. Sandals, clogs, and open-toe shoes are not acceptable.
  • For safety reasons, any member that comes with the wrong clothes will not be allowed to spend time with the animals.


  • Friendly, respectable and helpful language is always welcome.
  • Rude, disrespectful or profane language or gestures are not allowed.

Personal Boundaries

  • CPR Teens is not the time or place to exchange affectionate overtures with your romantic interest.
  • Members are to respect each other’s personal space. Anybody that touches another person in an inappropriate way will be asked to leave.


  • No smoking, drugs or alcohol are allowed at any events or during any Coastal Pet Rescue sanctioned meetings or gatherings. Conversations about use/abuse of these items are inappropriate.
  • Be self-controlled and non-distruptive during meetings and events.
  • Polite, respectful behavior towards others and their property is expected from all CPR Teens members.
  • Treat all shelter animals with respect and compassion.
  • Do not bring iPods or CD players to events or meetings.
  • Turn cell phones and pagers to vibrate while you are participating in events. Please restrict personal phone calls during these times as well.

Volunteer Opportunities

Youth volunteers may participate in volunteer opportunities such as adoption days, outdoor events, fundraising, grooming, dog walking, and humane education. Parents will determine these areas on their child’s application form.

Service Hours

Youth volunteering for community service hours are required to track their hours and provide any documentation that needs to be signed to the volunteer coordinator upon completion of their volunteer service.