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Claudia Black-Kalinsky
CPDT-Ka / Owner
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Coastal Pet Rescue
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David Adams
Department of Health Sciences, AASU


Cold Weather Tips for Pets

by David Adams

January 14, 2014

Chilly scenes of winter have descended upon us. In light of the season, it becomes especially important to remember our four-legged friends. Here are some simple cold-weather tips for pets.

1) Keep cats cozy—and that means keep them indoors. Of course, not all cats will be so fortunate. Seeking shelter, they may seek shelter under car-hoods. A good rule of thumb is to give the hood a sharp bang. This will dislodge a cat that may be enjoying the warmth of the engine block.

2) keep your dog on a leash—especially when snow and ice are present. Dogs easily are disoriented in snowfall. According to the ASPCA, more dogs go astray during the winter than during any other season. Double-check those dog tags!

3) Wipe your dog's feet, legs, and stomach after a walk in snowy or icy conditions. Various chemical preparations that range from salt to anti-freeze are often applied to snow and ice. As dogs walk on these surfaces, they get these substances on their paws and stomach. When they lick themselves, they easily can ingest these potentially toxic substances.

4) Do not shave your dog during the winter. After a bath, dry your dog thoroughly. Shorthaired breeds can benefit from a warm, turtleneck sweater that extends the length of the body.

5) Never leave your dog or cat alone in a car during cold weather. Cars can become four-wheeled fridges when the temperature drops. Dogs and cats can freeze to death easily in such conditions.

6) Increase your dog’s food intake when the weather turns cold. Extra protein is especially useful to maintain healthy winter coats.

7) Carefully clean up spilled anti-freeze, a lethal poison. Its sweet taste easily attracts animals.

8) Keep service and companion dogs especially snuggly when the weather turns cold. A good way to prepare a warm, draft-free spot that is off the floor. A fluffy bed and a warm blanket make ideal choices.

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