Coastal Pet Rescue Volunteer Handbook
Welcome Message
Thank you for giving your time as a volunteer to help change the life of an animal in need. Coastal Pet Rescue is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. We have no paid staff or board members. As a result, we recognize the value of your time, and the importance for you to be happy and fulfilled in the volunteer work that you perform.
Explanation of Handbook
This handbook has been produced to educate you about our organization and prepare you for our volunteer activities. This handbook will share with you a little of our history, philosophy, practices, and policies.
We hope that this handbook will give you a look into Coastal Pet Rescue and what we have to offer you, the volunteer.
It is in our person-to-person meeting and/or phone interview that we can better get to know each other and express our views which will aid in creating a harmonious relationship as well as the best possible volunteer fit for you.
The goal of this handbook is to allow you to feel comfortable with our organization. We depend on you – your success is our success. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions. Your volunteer coordinator will gladly answer them. Once you start, we truly believe that you will enjoy your volunteer work as well as meeting your fellow volunteers with whom you share similar interests. We also believe you will find Coastal Pet Rescue to be a fulfilling place to volunteer. We ask that you read this Handbook carefully, and refer to it whenever questions arise.
As always, if you enjoy your experience with us, please refer others to our volunteer program. Through growth, we can make even greater successes in animal welfare and education.