Coastal Pet Rescue Volunteer Handbook
Rescued Pets Policies
Types of Pets We Rescue
- Puppies, dogs, cats and kittens from local animal control or other rescues that may have been abused or abandoned or in need of extensive medical care.
- Cats and kittens through the Trap-Neuter-Return program that can be socialized.
Intake Policies
Coastal Pet Rescue receives phone calls and emails daily of requests to take on new pets. As a volunteer, you may direct people to our website for assistance, but you may not commit our organization’s resources to any animal. You may offer to be a foster parent or help in locating resources once the person has filled out a surrender form and has been contacted by a member of the executive board. Our resources are limited, and we do not want to over-commit if we do not have adequate space or funding available.
Due to legal liabilities, we cannot accept stray pets. Stray pets must first go through a local animal control before being brought into our rescue organization.
Owner Surrenders
Coastal Pet Rescue will only take owner surrenders on an as-available basis. Owners are encouraged to exhaust other alternatives before relinquishing their pets to rescue. A full page of resources is available on CoastalPetRescue.org.
Animal Control
Coastal Pet Rescue works with animal control agencies statewide to save animals in municipally-owned shelters from euthanasia.
Other Rescues
Coastal Pet Rescue networks with agencies throughout Georgia, Florida and South Carolina to place as many pets as possible in adoptable environments. We work to place animals with breed-specific rescues when space is no longer available, as well as doing home visits and transports to assist other agencies in relocating and adopting pets. We will also take animals from licensed rescues when space or adoptions are available through Coastal Pet Rescue.
Veterinary Care
Coastal Pet Rescue incurs all costs for veterinary care of the animals in its programs. Volunteers may feel free to contribute funding, but must do so through Coastal Pet Rescue, not our veterinarians. All appointments and communication must go through the Foster Care Coordinator or Medical Care Coordinator. Appointments must be kept. If you need to reschedule, contact one of the coordinators immediately. Plan to be at least ten minutes early to each appointment. Contact the coordinator immediately following the appointment to relay any pertinent information and provide an update for the pet’s information on the website.
Coastal Pet Rescue is a no-kill animal rescue, however, we will euthanize under the following circumstances:
- Veterinary recommended due to medical condition
- Animal has seriously injured a human
- Animal has killed another animal
- Ordered to do so by municipal authorities
Injuries/Bites to Humans and/or Other Animals
Injuries and/or bites may occur while the pet is in the care of the foster home or a volunteer at an event. ALL cases must be reported immediately to the foster home coordinator or a member of the executive board. Please use common sense in care of the animals. If you believe the pet is behaving aggressively, call us immediately. Do not allow young children to be around pets unsupervised. Many bites to children occur as the pets feel threatened by the children’s behavior.
Adoption Policies
All adoptions must go through our adoption process. An application must be filled out, vet reference checked, and an in-home inspection conducted. If you know someone who may be a good home for one of our pets, direct them to our website to fill out an application and send an email to the Adoption Coordinator or a member of the executive board. The applicant may also list you as a reference in the “comments” area.
Adoption decisions are made by the Adoption Coordinator and/or members of the executive board. Once an application is submitted, all communication should be between the applicant and the Adoption Coordinator or executive board member only. Foster parents may be called to answer questions or for a meet-and-greet with the family members, but only by one of the authorized individuals. Meet and greets with pets will not be scheduled until an adoption application has been completed and approved by the Adoption Coordinator or a member of the executive board.
Animals are not to be promised to an individual or released to an individual until after approval from the Adoption Coordinator or member of the executive board and only after all paperwork is signed and adoption fees are paid. All adoptions will now take place on Saturdays at TailsSpin on Whitaker and Duffy St. For safety and liability reasons, an Adoption Coordinator must be present with the foster parents at the time of adoption. Your Adoption Coordinator will notify you of your adoption appointment.
Foster parents may apply to adopt their foster pet(s), but are subject to the same policies as a standard adoption. If an adoption application is already in process and home visit scheduled, the foster parent must wait until the applicant has been denied or cancelled before being considered for adoption.
This process is designed for us to make the best matches for our pets as well as protect us against any liability and reduce any miscommunication that may occur during the adoption process.
Spay/Neuter Policy
Coastal Pet Rescue will not do an adoption of a pet if it has yet to be sterilized without the prior written authorization from a member of the executive board. Adoption applications may be completed and fees paid to put a hold on a pet, but it will not go home until after the surgery. Foster parents must not relinquish the pet until approved by the Adoption Coordinator. It is a Georgia state law that all pets in rescues and shelters must be spayed or neutered.