Coastal Pet Rescue Volunteer Handbook
How long is a pet in foster care?
As Coastal Pet Rescue is a no-kill organization, pets remain in foster care until they are adopted or relocated to another rescue agency. If you are unable to foster for an extended period of time, simply notify the foster home coordinator so arrangements may be made to relocate the pet. If you know you only have a certain amount of time to foster, please make that known before you accept a foster pet. If you have travel plans during your fostering period, the foster coordinator will help you make arrangements for pet sitting or boarding as needed. (Further information for foster parents may be found in the Foster Care Manual.)
What are microchipping clinics?
A microchip is a permanent identification. It is the size of a grain of rice and is injected in between the shoulder blades under the skin. The chip is encoded with a specific number that can be read with a scanner and traced back to its owner. All pets entering Coastal Pet Rescue since October 2004 have been microchipped. We host low-cost microchipping clinics to the public on a quarterly basis for a cost of $10 pet pet.
Will my expenses be reimbursed?
Coastal Pet Rescue provides all veterinary care at our cost. Foster parents are expected to provide food and any items they wish the pet to have outside of our initial supply to the foster home. Expenses will only be reimbursed if they were approved prior to the purchase. Receipts must be submitted along with official expense sheet documentation. Drivers may document their mileage for transports, veterinary runs, adoption interviews, or other approved travel for tax deduction.
Am I eligible for tax deductions?
A number of tax benefits are available for volunteers under the general charitable contribution deduction of the Internal Revenue Code. Volunteers may deduct out-of-pocket expenses incurred while doing volunteer work for certain groups approved by the Internal Revenue Service. Coastal Pet Rescue is an approved organization. Please check with your accountant to verify deductions.