Coastal Pet Rescue Volunteer Handbook
Volunteer Motivation and Recognitions
All volunteers are expected to meet Coastal Pet Rescue’s standards for volunteer performance, as detailed in the respective position description. Each volunteer shall be provided with the opportunity for review and evaluation appropriate to their position on an quarterly basis. The review process shall consist of an appraisal by the Volunteer Coordinator and/or executive board member. If a volunteer’s performance does not meet appropriate standards, ordinarily she/he will be given a reasonable opportunity to correct and/or improve performance. Volunteer performance will be evaluated by the person to whom they are accountable. This evaluation may take the form of a written self-evaluation, an interview, or a face-to-face conversation, etc.
Coastal Pet Rescue believes that recognizing volunteers is a way of sharing respect and appreciation for their accomplishments. Recognitions are tangible reminders of rewarding relationships with the organization. The quality of the accomplishment is the primary determining factor in awarding recognition. Quality is judged by the impact on our mission. Appropriate recognitions of service will be planned during the year in conjunction with community programs.
Seasoned volunteers who continue to exemplify their service to the organization will be selected as Mentors for new volunteers. Mentors will be assigned new volunteers to aid them through training and meeting other organization members.
Presidential Handshake Awards
Volunteers who have demonstrated a clear commitment and dedication to fulfilling Coastal Pet Rescue’s mission will be receive a Presidential Handshake Award at the annual Volunteer Recognitions Event. Award recipients will have consistently dedicated their time and energy to the organization for the prior year and gone above and beyond in their dedication to the organization.
Youth Awards
Coastal Pet Rescue will present youth awards to individuals based upon completion of community service projects.
Non-CPR award nominations
Individuals (adults and youth) who continuously dedicate themselves in service to Coastal Pet Rescue may be nominated for awards outside of the organization, including but not limited to the United Way of the Coastal Empire Volunteer of the Year, the Jefferson Awards, Kindred Spirit Awards, ASPCA Humane Awards, and Daily Points of Light.