Coastal Pet Rescue Volunteer Handbook
Volunteer Waiver
Release of liability
I recognize that working with animals places me at physical risk, and I agree to assume that risk. I realize that although Coastal Pet Rescue has taken all reasonable measures to protect me, accidents and injuries may still occur. Therefore, I hereby completely release and entirely discharge Coastal Pet Rescue from any and all claims and causes of action of negligence or gross negligence that I or another might have or bring relating to or arising from any injury or damage that I should sustain while assisting Coastal Pet Rescue or in connection with my volunteer work for Coastal Pet Rescue.
Understanding and acceptance of volunteer guidelines
I have read, understand and agree to the volunteer guidelines set forth in the Coastal Pet Rescue volunteer manual. I fully understand and agree that I am providing my services in a volunteer capacity without any expressed or implied promise of compensation. I agree to perform my volunteer duties to the best of my ability and to adhere to the guidelines detailed in the volunteer manual. I further understand that my volunteer involvement may be terminated for reasons including, but not limited to, those outlined in the volunteer manual.
Photo Release
During my volunteer time with Coastal Pet Rescue, I understand my photo may be taken at various events and projects. By signing below I also hereby grant Coastal Pet Rescue permission to use my likeness in photograph(s) and/or video(s) in any and all of its publications or on the World Wide Web, whether now known or hereafter existing. I will make no monetary or other claim against Coastal Pet Rescue for the use of the photograph(s) and/or video(s).