Coastal Pet Rescue Volunteer Handbook
Volunteer Application Process
Definition of ‘Volunteer’
A “volunteer” is anyone who, without compensation or expectation of compensation beyond reimbursement, performs a task at the direction of and on behalf of the agency. A “volunteer” must be officially accepted and enrolled by the agency prior to performance of the task. Unless specifically stated, volunteers shall not be considered as “employees” of the agency.
Requirement of Application
All volunteers must fill out a volunteer application prior to participation at any event with Coastal Pet Rescue. In addition, a waiver must be signed prior to participation in our events. All volunteer participation is subject to the exclusive discretion of Coastal Pet Rescue.
Age Requirements
Youth volunteers (15-18) may participate through our CPR Teens program. CPR Teens members must fill out an application, sign a code of conduct agreement, and have their parent or guardian sign a release on their behalf. A handbook will be issued to each CPR Teens participant at the start of their program. Youth volunteers under 15 may participate provided they have a parent or legal guardian in attendance with them.
Reference Checks
As part of the application process, foster parent applicants are asked to provide a veterinary reference for reference checks. The foster coordinator will call to check all veterinary references prior to a foster parent’s participation. If you do not have a veterinary reference available, please provide a friend or family member that owns a pet as a reference who also have knowledge regarding your capability of fostering a pet. All foster homes function at the exclusive discretion of Coastal Pet Rescue.
All volunteer applicants are subject to personal interviews by the volunteer coordinator and/or members of the executive board. Foster homes will have in-home interviews conducted in compliance with Georgia Department of Agriculture regulations.